All submission are first reviewed by the journal's editorial committee to determine whether they meet the journal’s objectives, scope of coverage, style guidelines and word-count requirements. Manuscripts that meet the journal's scope and quality standards are then sent for double-blind peer review, where they will be assessed for their scholarly quality. Submissions usually undergo a minimum of two independent reviewers from respected local universities, although in some cases there will be more.
Peer reviewers will then determine if each manuscript will be: Accepted; Accepted with Minor Revisions; Revise and Resubmit; or Rejected. In cases where manuscripts have been “Accepted with Minor Revisions”, the author will be given a set deadline to complete these minor revisions (usually 2 weeks). These manuscripts do not undergo a second round of external review. Manuscripts that have been determined “Revise and Resubmit” will go through another round of external peer review following the resubmission.
We confirm the receipt of all reviews, and we inform all reviewers of our initial and final decisions.