Heading Title
Subheading Title
- Subheading Title
Use double quotation marks (“”) only when citing material.
The references should be written consistently in the latest edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style.
Footnotes should be recorded using Arabic numeric (1,2,3...) and numbered consecutively. Footnotes should use a smaller font than the text (font size 8).
Raised superscript numerals in the text refer to explanatory notes and documented sources appearing at the bottom of the page as footnotes. These should be inserted following the punctuation mark in the text. Refer to the example shown below:
If the table/figure/graph occupies more than one page, the continued table/figure/graph on the following page should indicate that it is a continuation, for example: ‘Table 1, continued’. In the case of a table, the header row should also be repeated.
If the table/figure/graph contains a citation, the source of the reference should be placed at the bottom of table/figure/graph and italicised.
Soft copies of contributed articles should be sent via email with the title “Journal of Economics and Policy” to : Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Economics and Policy, jep[at]intanbk[dot]intan[dot]my
Any question regarding the process can be directed to:
Editorial Committee Journal of Economics and Policy, jep[at]intanbk[dot]intan[dot]my