Sunday, 16 February 2025
17 Sha'aban 1446
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INTAN Southern Regional Campus (IKWAS)

About us

About Us

Developed between the main route to Ayer Hitam and Kluang, IKWAS stands excellently as an INTAN campus in the Southern Region. From a rubber plantation of 20.24 hectares, this land was explore following the emergence of the Government's initiative to create more Public Training Institutes (ILAs) that will produce high -performing civil servants.


The construction of IKWAS was completed on 31st of January 1983 and was launched on 18th of April 1984 by His Majesty Sultan Iskandar, Sultan of Johor Darul Ta’zim. Equipped with the Administrative Block and the Domestic Block at the beginning of its establishment, IKWAS began its role as the backbone of the Government in providing training to civil servants in the Southern Region which are Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, and Johor.

After almost a decade, IKWAS building was added with the construction of the Academic Block and Desa Eksekutif to meet the needs and demands of that time. These building was launched by YBhg. Tan Sri Samsudin bin Osman, Chief Secretary to the Government (KSN) on 14th of January 2002.


Through the transformation that is actively filling the space in the civil service nowadays, IKWAS has undergone a change in accordance with the Government's agenda for INTAN to focus on the development of public sector human capital based on entrepreneurship, fast action, integrity, and sensitive to the needs of the people.


In line with the government's goal of increasing the human capital capacity of the public service and providing the best service to the people, each regional campus have been given the responsibility as a Center of Excellence (CoE).


IKWAS has served as a Center of Excellence for Leadership in Supervision since 2012 where the focus is to train civil servants among Supervisors and senior Supervisors. It aims to train, form and provide supervisors who are skilled and able to perform their roles at every level of the organization to form an excellent public sector.


In providing highly competent human capital, IKWAS also trains civil servants towards good public service governance. Among them are Human Resource Champion (HRC) courses, language, leadership, quality and innovation, store and asset management, values and ethics, protocol and event management.

Organisational Chart

IKWAS Organisational Chart

Programmes Offered

Courses at IKWAS are conducted by the Training Division which consists of the Human Capital Development Unit, Leadership Unit and the Quality and Innovation Unit.
The main components of the courses offered cover human capital development, leadership, quality and innovation as well as information systems management (ICT).

List of the cources are:

Human Capital Development

  1. Kursus Etika Kerja : Gamifikasi
  2. Kursus Human Resource Champions Modul 1: Perancangan dan Pembangunan Organisasi
  3. Kursus Human Resource Champions Modul 2 : Pengurusan Persaraan
  4. Kursus Human Resource Champions Modul 3: Pengurusan Tatatertib
  5. Kursus Human Resource Champions Modul 4: Pengurusan Gaji, Elaun dan Kemudahan
  6. Kursus Human Resource Champions Modul 5: Pengurusan Perkhidmatan dan Prestasi
  7. Kursus Human Resource Champions Modul 6: Pembangunan Modal Insan
  8. Kursus Protokol, Etiket Sosial dan Pengurusan Majlis
  9. Kursus Komunikasi Berkesan
  10. Program Transformasi Minda
  11. Kursus Pengucapan Awam
  12. Kursus Language Awareness For Communicative Success: Basic Grammar
  13. Kursus Perundingan Berkesan
  14. Kursus Santun Mengacara Majlis



  1. Kursus SMART Integriti
  2. Kursus Pengurusan Risiko Sektor Awam
  3. Kursus Etika Kerja : Peranan Penyelia
  4. Kursus Penyeliaan Berkesan
  5. Kursus Kepimpinan Transformatif dan Pengurusan Organisasi


Quality and Innovation

  1. Kursus Pemikiran Kreatif
  2. Kursus Ekosistem Kondusif Sektor Awam (EKSA)
  3. Kursus Pengurusan Mesyuarat
  4. Kursus Pengurusan Pelanggan
  5. Kursus myPortfolio: Panduan Kerja Sektor Awam
  6. Kursus Horizon Baharu KIK
  7. Kursus Panel Penilai Horizon Baharu KIK
  8. Kursus Tatacara Pengurusan Aset Alih


Information Technology (ICT)

  1. Kursus RBTCS : Playworks Excel Fun Formulas
  2. Kursus RBTCS: Blockchain Awareness Programme
  3. Kursus RBTCS: Analyzing Data With ExcelKursus RBTCS : Adobe Photoshop (Basic to
  4. Advance)
  5. ICT Skills Assessment and Certification (ISAC)

Activities / Programmes

Contact Us


INTAN Southern Region (IKWAS)
KM 3, Jalan Batu Pahat
Peti Surat 141
86007 Kluang
Tel: 07-778 2500
Faks: 07-778 2540

E-mail: maklumbalas[at]ikwas[dot]intan[dot]my

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