
INTAN Eastern Region Campus (INTIM)

*Bulletins in Malay only


The publication of Zoom@INTIM Bulletin provides mediums for sharing and dissemination of information on important programs, activities, and projects that have taken place in INTAN Eastern Region Campus (INTIM). This bulletin aims to report on interesting events, training courses, seminars, and internal programs of INTIM.

Warkah Ramadhan INTIM

Warkah Ramadhan INTIM is designed to communicate about hadith, enlivening Ramadan through reminders and recommendations of practices that can be implemented during the holy month.

Lantera Timur

Lantera Timur is a collection of articles written by INTIM officers. Through article writing, INTAN officers can share their thoughts and improve their skills in developing literature highlights, the background of issues and problems, implications, and build suggestions for improvement in the context of respective topics.

INTAN Northern Region Campus (INTURA)

*Bulletins in Malay only


In line with the 'Driving Transformation Through Learning' motto, Berita@INTURA is INTURA's initiative to share news, information and knowledge to the reader. Various interesting columns in this bulletin such as Aktiviti@INTURA, Articles, Reading Materials, Gelagat@INTURA, Hadith, Tahukah Anda and Scheduled Courses. Berita@INTURA is published monthly.

INTAN Southern Region Campus (IKWAS)

*Bulletins in Malay only

Mutiara Selatan

The publication of Bulletin Mutiara Selatan as one of the mediums in promoting and sharing information related to activities, seminars and programs that have been organized by IKWAS. In line with the motto of Mutiara Selatan “Generating knowledge through writing, reading and intellectual discussion”, this bulletin also shared selected writing articles by IKWAS’s officer, new reading materials at the library and courses that schedule to be organized by IKWAS.

Cluster for Management Development and Innovation (INOVASI)

*Bulletins in Malay only


In line with the motto 'Driving Transformation Through Learning', the Innoventure Bulletin is an initiative of the Cluster for Management Development and Innovation to share news, information and knowledge to the reader. Publications are periodically every 6 months.

INTAN Sabah Campus (INSABAH)

*Bulletins in Malay only

Buletin Bayu

Buletin Bayu, published twice a year is a magazine that captures events and programmes organised by INTAN SABAH. This magazine also serves as a platform for officers in INTAN Sabah to publish their articles and book reviews. It is also one of the medium by INTAN SABAH to share information and knowledge to its fellow readers.

INTAN Sarawak Campus (INSARA)

*Bulletins in Malay only

Buletin CITRA

Buletin CITRA, is one of INSARA's initiatives in conveying information on courses, seminars and activities that have been conducted by INSARA throughout the year 2021. CITRA publication is also a medium for INSARA officers to highlight talents through their skills of writing.

Information Technology Learning and Technology Development Studies Centre (IMATEC)

*Bulletins in Malay only


The e-Bulletin of Digital Government Competency Development (DGCD) provides additional information related to the development and implementation of digital technology by IMATEC. It is a sharing platform to widely disseminate information related to digital competence and activities of DGCD Project.

Guidelines And Format Of Manuscript Writing INTAN Management Journal
