Buku yang membincangkan tentang teori-teori mengenai kepimpinan dan digarap daripada adunan cetusan idea, pengalaman, pengamatan, perbincangan dan pembacaan penulis mengenai kepimpinan. Buku ini melihat kepimpinan daripada tiga perspektif utama iaitu pembentukan diri sebagai pemimpin (leading self), pemimpin memimpin orang lain (leading others) dan pemimpin memimpin organisasi (leading organization).
*Available in Malay only
Buku ini boleh didapati di :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
Buku yang menceritakan pengalaman seorang pegawai selama hampir 40 tahun berkhidmat atas pelbagai jawatan dalam perkhidmatan awam. Tujuan utama buku ini ditulis adalah untuk memberi pengajaran atau kefahaman kepada generasi baharu yang sedang dan akan berkhidmat dalam perkhidmatan awam.
*Available in Malay only
Buku ini boleh didapati di :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
This book is a compilation of best writings by INTAN officers that had been published in hard print as well as electronic versions in national newspapers throughout 2023. This edition contains 30 newspaper articles written by 15 INTAN officers.
*Available in Malay only
Buku ini boleh didapati di :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
A collection of selected research papers produced by the participants of Advanced Leadership and Management Programme (ALMP). The Executive Minds 2023 comprises 15 studies undertaken by the ALMP participants throughout 2022.
Buku ini boleh didapati di :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
The Proceedings Research Colloquium 2022 (RC 2022) contains 12 selected academic papers that had been presented at INTAN Research Colloquium 2022 by government officials who had successfully completed their Masters and Ph.D. studies under the Public Service Department’s scholarship.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
A collection of articles written by INTAN trainers focusing on their own experience and expertise. The ITD works as a medium for knowledge sharing among INTAN officers.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
A compilation of case studies written by civil servants aimed at providing additional training materials to our in-house trainers.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
Buku ini dianggap oleh penulis sebagai satu sumbangan kecil kepada pembaca dalam usaha untuk mengembalikan roh keperibadian dan kesantunan bangsa Malaysia yang kian luntur dalam kehidupan pasca-normal yang dihadapi. Menerusi kaedah intervensi dan preventif serta tawakal pada peringkat komuniti dan institusi, ianya diharap dapat membantu memberi pencerahan agar pembaca dapat bertemu jalan keluar daripada kemelut kehidupan yang mencabar terutamanya dalam usaha mengecapi kemajuan.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
A collection of selected research papers produced by the participants of Advanced Leadership and Management Programme (ALMP). The Executive Minds 2022 comprises 15 studies undertaken by the ALMP participants throughout 2021.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
The Proceedings Research Colloquium 2021 (RC 2021) contains 22 selected academic papers that had been presented at INTAN Research Colloquium 2021 by government officials who had successfully completed their Masters and Ph.D. studies under the Public Service Department’s scholarship.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
Penned by Datuk Dr. Alauddin bin Sidal, Director of the National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN), this book entitled ‘Kepimpinan Efektif: Merungkai Yang Rumit’ is about leadership. In response to the author's desire to break the 'myth of leadership', this book has been produced so that theories, models and leadership skills can be described in a simple and easy-to-understand narrative. For the author, the key is to simplify something complex so that the responsibilities and duties of a leader can be realized and carried out perfectly.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
A collection of articles written by INTAN trainers focusing on their own experience and expertise. The ITD works as a medium for knowledge sharing among INTAN officers.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
A compilation of case studies/ caselet written by INTAN officers aimed at providing additional training materials to our in-house trainers.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
Memperkasa Tadbir Urus dalam Perolehan Kerajaan: Isu dan Syor
This book was written as a reference to support government officials carry out their government procurement obligations in a way that promotes good governance, whether at the ministry, department, or agency level. This is based on the Investigative Committee for Governance, Procurement & Government Finance, Prime Minister's Department's summary of findings and recommendations for improvement from investigations and studies conducted and presented on several procurement activities in ministries, departments, and agencies.
*Available in Malay only
Kepantasan, Profesionalisme Dan Integriti - Tunjang Perkhidmatan Awam yang Dinamik
This book is a compilation of official speeches from 2020 to 2021 by Tan Sri Mohd Khairul Adib Abd Rahman, Director-General of Public Service. The speeches have been organized according to four main themes i.e. Effective Service Delivery; Swiftness, Professionalism and Integrity; Digitalisation and Patriotism that reflect his aspiration to adopt the elements of swiftness, professionalism, and integrity in the Malaysian Civil Service.
*Available in Malay only
INTAN 60 Years Coffee Table Book
This book chronicles the 60-year journey of the National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN) in conjunction with its diamond jubilee. Displaying selected pictures, this book also showcases the values that shaped the experiences and milestones of the institution. Therefore, readers will get a glimpse into the transformation and development of INTAN including the individuals who made significant contributions to the said process throughout its 60-year existence.
Buku Dasar-Dasar Negara Malaysia - Jilid 2
The Buku Dasar-Dasar Negara Malaysia-Jilid 2 (Book of Malaysian National Policies, Volume Two) was published in mid-2021 by INTAN’s Cluster for Public Policy and Governance Studies, INTAN Bukit Kiara. This book is a continuation of the Buku Dasar-Dasar Negara Malaysia-Jilid 1 which was published in 2019 and contains 14 main Government policies. The policies are organized according to five main sectors, namely: economic; security; infrastructure, health and education; rural, federal territories, and local government; as well as science and technology. The publication of the Book of Malaysian National Policies, Volume 2 is one approach in disseminating policies implemented by the Government and acts as a medium of sharing information to members of the public to bridge the gap between them and the Government.
*Available in Malay only
Legasi Kepimpinan Datuk Seri Borhan Bin Dolah, KPPA Ke-23
The leadership legacy of Datuk Seri Borhan bin Dolah, the 23rd Director-General of the Public Service is a result of ideas, efforts, cooperation, and the determination of individuals from all walks of life to create a narrative and trace the life’s journey of a highly dedicated officer with strong leadership skills that are widely recognized. Additionally, this publication records the myriad of experiences and achievements of YBhg. Datuk Seri Borhan bin Dolah throughout his 35 years in the public service.
*Available in Malay only
Koleksi Teks Ucapan KPPA Datuk Seri Borhan Bin Dolah
This published speech collection, i.e. Koleksi Teks Ucapan of the Director-General of the Public Service, YBhg. Datuk Seri Borhan bin Dolah is aimed at collating his speeches throughout his tenure as the 23rd Director-General of Public Service from July 2018 until September 2019.
*Available in Malay only
Strategic Leaders - Shaping the Future
Book Review: Strategic Leaders- Shaping the Future collates a selection of book reviews by participants of the Advanced Leadership and Management Programme (ALMP) 2015. The given reviews provide readers with glimpses of the leadership and management aspects. Through this publication, INTAN hopes to play a significant role in its efforts to nurture leadership and quality management, particularly, amongst public servants.
Menelusuri Tujuh Prakarsa Utama Dasar Transformasi
The book titled Menelusuri Tujuh Prakarsa Utama Dasar Transformasi is presented as reading material on the implementation of economic, administrative, social, and digital transformation initiatives under the National Transformation Agenda which can serve as a quick source of reference for various parties.
*Available in Malay only
Kepimpinan Transformatif: Menerokai Trajektori Baharu
This publication titled Kepimpinan Transformatif: Menerokai Trajektori Baharu (Transformative Leadership: Exploring a New Trajectory) is a collection of eight (8) scholarly works by INTAN’s Senior Research Fellows which discusses the area of leadership encompassing the models, theories, styles, branding, and application - across a broad spectrum and dimensions, particularly in the public service. This publication also offers a new perspective to civil servants in understanding and deepening the approach, application, and adaptation of transformative leadership models towards the enhancement of public service delivery.
*Available in Malay only
Panduan Tadbir Urus Akaun Amanah Sektor Awam: Dengan Rujukan Kepada Tadbir Urus Akaun Amanah, Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN)
This publication is a guideline that explains the provisions, procedures as well as management of the Trust Account of INTAN based on sources such as Financial Procedure Act 1957 and financial circular 1 Pekeliling Perbendaharaan (1PP) issued by the Ministry of Finance. The guideline is published to benefit civil servants, particularly, those who are directly involved in managing and administering trust accounts in public sector organisations.
*Available in Malay only
Semerah Darah Seputih Tulang: Patriotisme Merentas Kehidupan
Penned by Dr. Alauddin bin Sidal, a former Senior Research Fellow of INTAN, this book titled Semerah Darah Seputih Tulang: Patriotisme Merentas Kehidupan is about patriotism. Inspiration from this book translates to a spirit of patriotism that should begin with a sense of togetherness such as respect and mutual acceptance. In this regard, lifelong education, inculcation, practices, and appreciation of patriotism must be nurtured and empowered. Meanwhile, efforts in developing a sense of patriotism should be the responsibility of all parties across every segment and institution of life.
*Available in Malay only
Journal of Economics and Policy
Vol. 4, No. 1, 2021
The Journal of Economics and Policy is an annual INTAN publication that discusses issues related to Economics, Business, Finance and Public Policy. This fourth edition of the journal includes four articles that cover important and current developments such as: the impact of changes in the exchange rate and oil prices on inflation; job motivation among PTD cadets; the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on low-income households; and the rethinking of change management in the public sector. To ensure the highest quality publication, this journal was reviewed rigorously by a panel of reviewers consisting of academicians that were selected from various universities such as University of Malaya, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, and Putra Business School.
INTAN Management Journal
Vol. 17, 2021
INTAN Management Journal (IMJ) is one of INTAN’s annual major publications. This journal publishes empirical research(es) conducted by INTAN’s Senior Research Fellows and other officers as well as researchers from other departments or agencies. INTAN Management Journal Vol. 17, 2021 features nine research articles that cover issues on service delivery, the impact of social media, personal finance, governance, learning and development, and well-being.
INTAN Management
Vol. 16, 2020
INTAN Management Journal (IMJ) is one of INTAN’s annual major publications. This journal publishes empirical research(es) conducted by INTAN’s Senior Research Fellows and other officers as well as researchers from other departments or agencies. INTAN Management Journal Vol. 16, 2020 features 11 research articles exploring various issues including the career path of PTD officers, the efficiency of the Neighbourhood Watch (Rukun Tetangga) programme, mental health disorder among adolescents, and challenges relating to effective public administration and leadership.
INTAN Management Journal
Vol. 15, No. 1, 2019
INTAN Management Journal (IMJ) is one of INTAN’s annual major publications. This journal publishes empirical researches conducted by INTAN’s Senior Research Fellows and officers as well as researchers from other departments or agencies. INTAN Management Journal Vol. 15, No.1, 2019 features eight research articles that cover various issues including ICT security, non-traditional threats and collaborative governance.
INTAN Management Journal
Vol. 15, No. 2, 2019
INTAN Management Journal (IMJ) is one of INTAN’s annual major publications. This journal publishes empirical researches conducted by INTAN’s Senior Research Fellows and officers as well as researchers from other departments or agencies. INTAN Management Journal Vol. 5, No. 2, 2019 features nine research articles that cover various issues including talent retention in the public service, innovation and business performance, leadership and level of trustworthiness in civil servants as well as issues on income structure and the effect of supplementary economic activities on the income of farmers at Northern Terengganu Integrated Development Project (IADA KETARA).
Journal of Economics and Policy
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2017
The Journal of Economics and Policy is annually published by INTAN. The journal aims to publish articles examining and discussing issues related to economics, policy, organisation, business and finance.
Jurnal Penyelidikan INTAN
Jilid 2, Bilangan 1/2016
INTAN Research Journal Vol. 2, Number 1/2016 is a compilation of nine (9) academic discourse(s) contributed by civil servants based on a spectrum of tasks and institutional apparatus, by working on areas of focus underlined under Chapter 3 (Strengthening Inclusivity towards Equitable Society) and Chapter 9 (Transforming Civil Service for Productivity) of the 11th Malaysia Plan. Exploring the aspiration of inclusiveness, three articles explicate strategies on enhancing the spirit of volunteerism, empowering women’s economy, and enhancing the capabilities of senior citizens. The remaining six articles focused on the public administration transformation enclave, covering implementation of training, competency enhancement, the importance of excellent governance, consolidation of good values, strengthening patriotism, and retirement readiness.
*Available in Malay only
Introspeksi Minda: Tadbir Urus Baharu Membuka Paradigma
Introspeksi Minda: Tadbir Urus Baharu Membuka Paradigma consisted of eight articles that discussed critical issues on governance covering three main spectrums: talent and organization; economy and trade; as well as social, environment and municipality. The articles which were written by Senior Research Fellows of INTAN also provided strategic recommendations which can be learnt, applied and adapted to increase the capability of public service delivery focusing on the interests of the people. This publication offered new perspectives to civil servants in understanding the needs of stakeholders, adding value to services and thus, making a profound shift in the performance of public service delivery that exceeds the expectations of the people.
*Available in Malay only
INTAN Management Journal
Vol.13, No.1, 2016
The Malaysian Civil Service shoulders an important responsibility to ensure a smooth implementation of the 11th Malaysia Plan and Malaysia’s transition from a middle-income country to a fully developed high-income nation. This publication, namely, INTAN Management Journal Vol. 13, No. 1, 2016 showcases seven (7) articles themed under knowledge transfer, English proficiency, service delivery, and media social in enhancing public service. It is hoped that this edition offers knowledge sharing and expertise, to ultimately enhance public delivery standards for the wellbeing of civil society and the country.
*Available in Malay only
Minda Eksekutif: Koleksi Kajian Terbaik ALMP INTAN Jilid 2 Bil.1/Tahun 2016
In line with efforts to ensure professional and people-oriented civil service delivery, Minda Eksekutif: Koleksi Kajian Terbaik ALMP INTAN Jilid 2 Bil. 1/Tahun 2016 (The Executive Mind: A Collection of Best Researches ALMP Vol 2 No. 1/ 2016) aims to disseminate research findings on issues and innovations that have been implemented in the civil service, through nine (9) best articles submitted by participants of INTAN’s Advanced Leadership and Management Programme (ALMP). This publication offers insights into issues and solutions pertaining to matters on social services sector, health, logistics, housing, finance, legal, halal management, and civil defence, such that the findings may act as guidance to public agencies in propagating enhancements in the quality and efficiency of public delivery systems.
*Available in Malay only
INTAN Research Journal is an academic discourse in research carried out by civil servants including INTAN’s officers. This is an initiative as a step to intensify research efforts towards spreading knowledge and developing skills, in line with the Kerangka Transformasi Strategik, Public Service Transformation, which emphasise on the need to build vibrant civil servants, knowledgeable, competent, innovative and productive.
*Available in Malay only
INTAN Eastern Region Campus (INTIM)
*Bulletins in Malay only
The publication of Zoom@INTIM Bulletin provides mediums for sharing and dissemination of information on important programs, activities, and projects that have taken place in INTAN Eastern Region Campus (INTIM). This bulletin aims to report on interesting events, training courses, seminars, and internal programs of INTIM.
Lantera Timur is a collection of articles written by INTIM officers. Through article writing, INTAN officers can share their thoughts and improve their skills in developing literature highlights, the background of issues and problems, implications, and build suggestions for improvement in the context of respective topics.
INTAN Northern Region Campus (INTURA)
*Bulletins in Malay only
In line with the 'Driving Transformation Through Learning' motto, Berita@INTURA is INTURA's initiative to share news, information and knowledge to the reader. Various interesting columns in this bulletin such as Aktiviti@INTURA, Articles, Reading Materials, Gelagat@INTURA, Hadith, Tahukah Anda and Scheduled Courses. Berita@INTURA is published monthly.
INTAN Southern Region Campus (IKWAS)
*Bulletins in Malay only
The publication of Bulletin Mutiara Selatan as one of the mediums in promoting and sharing information related to activities, seminars and programs that have been organized by IKWAS. In line with the motto of Mutiara Selatan “Generating knowledge through writing, reading and intellectual discussion”, this bulletin also shared selected writing articles by IKWAS’s officer, new reading materials at the library and courses that schedule to be organized by IKWAS.
Cluster for Management Development and Innovation (INOVASI)
*Bulletins in Malay only
In line with the motto 'Driving Transformation Through Learning', the Innoventure Bulletin is an initiative of the Cluster for Management Development and Innovation to share news, information and knowledge to the reader. Publications are periodically every 6 months.
INTAN Sabah Campus (INSABAH)
*Bulletins in Malay only
Buletin Bayu, published twice a year is a magazine that captures events and programmes organised by INTAN SABAH. This magazine also serves as a platform for officers in INTAN Sabah to publish their articles and book reviews. It is also one of the medium by INTAN SABAH to share information and knowledge to its fellow readers.
INTAN Sarawak Campus (INSARA)
*Bulletins in Malay only
Information Technology Learning and Technology Development Studies Centre (IMATEC)
*Bulletins in Malay only
The e-Bulletin of Digital Government Competency Development (DGCD) provides additional information related to the development and implementation of digital technology by IMATEC. It is a sharing platform to widely disseminate information related to digital competence and activities of DGCD Project.
Buku ini mengandungi empat bahagian utama. Bahagian pertama adalah mengenai latar belakang cetusan The G.R.E.A.T Civil Service iaitu penerangan tentang pendekatan Trust to Serve, FASTER dan SWIFT sebagai pemahaman awal yang membawa kepada kemunculan konsep The G.R.E.A.T Civil Service itu sendiri. Turut dibincangkan adalah punca kuasa, amanat dan model kepada fasa pelaksanaan inisiatif Trust to Serve, FASTER dan SWIFT tersebut.
Bahagian kedua, adalah penerangan kepada Malaysia MADANI dan The G.R.E.A.T Civil Service. Segmen Malaysia MADANI membawa pembaca kepada Falsafah, Objektif dan Inisiatif Malaysia MADANI. Manakala, segmen berikutnya merupakan penerangan ringkas The G.R.E.A.T Civil Service dengan merujuk kepada Objektif, Rajah serta Aplikasi The G.R.E.A.T Civil Service untuk menjayakan Malaysia MADANI.
Bahagian ketiga mencerakinkan lima (5) nilai utama iaitu ‘Good Governance’ (Tadbir Urus Terbaik), ‘Responsible’ (Bertanggungjawab), ‘Empathy’ (Ihsan), ‘Accountable’ (Kebertanggungjawaban) dan ‘Tenacity of Purpose’ (Fokus Pada Matlamat). Bahagian ini akan memberikan definisi dan diskusi bagi setiap nilai. Inisiatif Bitara MADANI turut disertakan sebagai contoh inisiatif kerajaan yang mendukung aspirasi The G.R.E.A.T Civil Service.
Bahagian keempat membawa pembaca kepada pewacanaan mengenai perkhidmatan awam pada masa akan datang. Bagi melengkapkan pemahaman ini, disertakan empat inisiatif Bitara MADANI yang dipantau oleh Pasukan Khas Reformasi Sektor Awam (STAR) dengan mengadaptasi pendekatan aspirasi The G.R.E.A.T Civil Service dalam menangani permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh rakyat.
*Available in Malay only
Tinta INTAN 2022
This book is a compilation of best writings by INTAN officers that had been published in hard print as well as electronic versions in national newspapers throughout 2022. This edition contains 10 newspaper articles written by 10 INTAN officers.
*Available in Malay only
Buku ini diterbitkan oleh INTAN dengan kerjasama daripada semua Kementerian dan Jabatan Persekutuan. Buku ini mendokumenkan usaha, program dan projek yang telah dan sedang dilakukan oleh semua agensi kerajaan di peringkat Persekutuan dalam merealisasikan aspirasi Keluarga Malaysia. Di samping menjadi medium untuk meningkatkan kefahaman dan kesedaran rakyat mengenai konsep Keluarga Malaysia, buku ini juga akan berperanan sebagai wadah untuk mengetengahkan peranan dan pencapaian agensi-agensi persekutuan di bawah lembayung Keluarga Malaysia. Buku Keluarga Malaysia telah dilancarkan secara rasmi oleh YAB Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob, Perdana Menteri Malaysia dalam Majlis MAPPA yang ke-18 pada 30 Ogos 2022.
*Available in Malay only
Etos Baharu Perkhidmatan Awam
The New Ethos of the Public Service is a manuscript published by INTAN that contains a description of the principles of the brainchild of YBhg. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Mohd Zuki bin Ali, Chief Secretary to the Government that needs to be held tightly by every civil servant. This book describes the principles of Trust to Serve, FASTER and SWIFT that have been introduced in phases since he was appointed as Chief Secretary in 2018. For each principle, relevant initiatives are provided to illustrate how the principles are translated into the best form of service delivery for Keluarga Malaysia. This book should be used as a guide and reference by every civil servant so that the intentions and wishes conveyed by the Chief Secretary can be studied, appreciated and implemented so that the Malaysian Public Service remains dynamic and relevant at all times.
*Available in Malay only
Prosiding Kolokium Penyelidikan 2020
The Proceedings Research Colloquium 2020 comprises 22 selected academic papers that were presented at INTAN Research Colloquium 2020 by government officials who completed their Masters and Ph.D. studies under the Public Service Department’s scholarship.
*Available in Malay only
The Executive Minds 2021
The Executive Minds is a collection of selected research papers produced by participants of Advanced Leadership and Management Programme (ALMP). Executive Minds 2021 showcases 13 research papers grouped under five main themes, namely Economy & Finance; Education; Environment and Sustainability; Health and Social Wellbeing; and Information and Technology.
Tinta INTAN 2021
Tinta INTAN is a collection of the best articles written by INTAN officers that have been published in newspapers throughout 2021. This edition contains 31 newspaper articles that present critical views and fresh ideas on various current issues in Malaysia. Each article published is also accessible via the particular newspaper's website.
*Available in Malay only
Etika Perkhidmatan Awam
The Book of Etika Perkhidmatan Awam is a manuscript issued by INTAN that offers guidelines of ethical rules that need to be applied by public officers in Malaysia. This book comprises a comprehensive explanation with appropriate situational examples for each ethical element, including National Principle, Work Ethics Principle and Moral Values Principle. This book can be a reference for public officers to build moral values, integrity, and a high degree of ethics by understanding and adapting from a complete source to produce high-level professional and integrity public officers.
*Available in Malay only
Koleksi Penulisan INTAN Kampus Sabah
INTAN SABAH Articles Collection is first published in 2020 to echo the call from YBhg. Tan Sri KPPA and the then Director of INTAN, to encourages more officers to share their tacit knowledge in the form of writing. This collection contains 18 articles and 2 book review carefully selected to represent to fresh ideas of civil servants. May this collection continues to inspire a knowledgable society towards Malaysia nation building.
*Available in Malay only
Proceeding Research Colloquium 2019
The Proceedings Research Colloquium 2019 (RC 2019) contains 11 selected academic papers that had been presented at INTAN Research Colloquium 2019 by government officials who successfully completed their Masters and Ph.D. studies under the Public Service Department’s scholarship.
*Available in Malay only
Tinta INTAN 2020
A collection of conventionally and digitally published best newspaper articles contributed by INTAN officers. A total of 20 INTAN officers contributed 31 articles for TINTA INTAN 2020.
*Available in Malay only
Istilah Perkhidmatan Awam
This book contains various terms and definitions commonly referred to and used in the Civil Service.
First published in 2003, the second edition of the book defines, with examples, the latest terms that are currently in use in the Malaysian civil service vocabulary. The book contains eleven chapters and is highly useful as a definitive guide to Malaysian civil service officers.
*Available in Malay only
The Executive Minds 2020
A collection of selected research papers produced by the participants of Advanced Leadership and Management Programme (ALMP). The Executive Minds 2020 comprises of 15 studies undertaken by the ALMP participants throughout 2019.
INTAN Case Studies
A compilation of case studies/caselet written by INTAN officers aiming at providing additional training materials to our in-house trainers.
INTAN Trainer's Digest
A collection of articles written by INTAN trainers focusing on their own experience and expertise. The Digest works as a medium for knowledge sharing among INTAN officers.
The Budding Minds 2019
A publication that showcases 10 best research papers written by the 2019 Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management trainees.
*Available in Malay only
INTAN Trainer Competency Dictionary
The INTAN Trainer Competency Dictionary has been published as a guideline and reference to describe the competency requirements for a trainer to perform his or her duties with efficiency. The specifics of each trainer's competency are outlined in accordance with the competency components, which comprise Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude. Each competency is presented based on the General Competency Framework that includes the Name of each Competency, Definition, Importance, and Indicators. The competency dictionary has identified 19 competencies a trainer should possess, based on three principles; INTAN's roles and responsibilities, current technological developments, and human resource development.
*Available in Malay only
Guidelines And Format Of Manuscript Writing INTAN Management Journal
Buku yang membincangkan tentang teori-teori mengenai kepimpinan dan digarap daripada adunan cetusan idea, pengalaman, pengamatan, perbincangan dan pembacaan penulis mengenai kepimpinan. Buku ini melihat kepimpinan daripada tiga perspektif utama iaitu pembentukan diri sebagai pemimpin (leading self), pemimpin memimpin orang lain (leading others) dan pemimpin memimpin organisasi (leading organization).
*Available in Malay only
Buku ini boleh didapati di :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
Buku yang menceritakan pengalaman seorang pegawai selama hampir 40 tahun berkhidmat atas pelbagai jawatan dalam perkhidmatan awam. Tujuan utama buku ini ditulis adalah untuk memberi pengajaran atau kefahaman kepada generasi baharu yang sedang dan akan berkhidmat dalam perkhidmatan awam.
*Available in Malay only
Buku ini boleh didapati di :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
This book is a compilation of best writings by INTAN officers that had been published in hard print as well as electronic versions in national newspapers throughout 2023. This edition contains 30 newspaper articles written by 15 INTAN officers.
*Available in Malay only
Buku ini boleh didapati di :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
A collection of selected research papers produced by the participants of Advanced Leadership and Management Programme (ALMP). The Executive Minds 2023 comprises 15 studies undertaken by the ALMP participants throughout 2022.
Buku ini boleh didapati di :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
The Proceedings Research Colloquium 2022 (RC 2022) contains 12 selected academic papers that had been presented at INTAN Research Colloquium 2022 by government officials who had successfully completed their Masters and Ph.D. studies under the Public Service Department’s scholarship.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
A collection of articles written by INTAN trainers focusing on their own experience and expertise. The ITD works as a medium for knowledge sharing among INTAN officers.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
A compilation of case studies written by civil servants aimed at providing additional training materials to our in-house trainers.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
Buku ini dianggap oleh penulis sebagai satu sumbangan kecil kepada pembaca dalam usaha untuk mengembalikan roh keperibadian dan kesantunan bangsa Malaysia yang kian luntur dalam kehidupan pasca-normal yang dihadapi. Menerusi kaedah intervensi dan preventif serta tawakal pada peringkat komuniti dan institusi, ianya diharap dapat membantu memberi pencerahan agar pembaca dapat bertemu jalan keluar daripada kemelut kehidupan yang mencabar terutamanya dalam usaha mengecapi kemajuan.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
A collection of selected research papers produced by the participants of Advanced Leadership and Management Programme (ALMP). The Executive Minds 2022 comprises 15 studies undertaken by the ALMP participants throughout 2021.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
The Proceedings Research Colloquium 2021 (RC 2021) contains 22 selected academic papers that had been presented at INTAN Research Colloquium 2021 by government officials who had successfully completed their Masters and Ph.D. studies under the Public Service Department’s scholarship.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
Penned by Datuk Dr. Alauddin bin Sidal, Director of the National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN), this book entitled ‘Kepimpinan Efektif: Merungkai Yang Rumit’ is about leadership. In response to the author's desire to break the 'myth of leadership', this book has been produced so that theories, models and leadership skills can be described in a simple and easy-to-understand narrative. For the author, the key is to simplify something complex so that the responsibilities and duties of a leader can be realized and carried out perfectly.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
A collection of articles written by INTAN trainers focusing on their own experience and expertise. The ITD works as a medium for knowledge sharing among INTAN officers.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
A compilation of case studies/ caselet written by INTAN officers aimed at providing additional training materials to our in-house trainers.
*Available in Malay only
The book is available at :
Sasana Pustaka INTAN
National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN)
Jalan Bukit Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03- 2084 7269 / 7259
Memperkasa Tadbir Urus dalam Perolehan Kerajaan: Isu dan Syor
This book was written as a reference to support government officials carry out their government procurement obligations in a way that promotes good governance, whether at the ministry, department, or agency level. This is based on the Investigative Committee for Governance, Procurement & Government Finance, Prime Minister's Department's summary of findings and recommendations for improvement from investigations and studies conducted and presented on several procurement activities in ministries, departments, and agencies.
*Available in Malay only
Kepantasan, Profesionalisme Dan Integriti - Tunjang Perkhidmatan Awam yang Dinamik
This book is a compilation of official speeches from 2020 to 2021 by Tan Sri Mohd Khairul Adib Abd Rahman, Director-General of Public Service. The speeches have been organized according to four main themes i.e. Effective Service Delivery; Swiftness, Professionalism and Integrity; Digitalisation and Patriotism that reflect his aspiration to adopt the elements of swiftness, professionalism, and integrity in the Malaysian Civil Service.
*Available in Malay only
INTAN 60 Years Coffee Table Book
This book chronicles the 60-year journey of the National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN) in conjunction with its diamond jubilee. Displaying selected pictures, this book also showcases the values that shaped the experiences and milestones of the institution. Therefore, readers will get a glimpse into the transformation and development of INTAN including the individuals who made significant contributions to the said process throughout its 60-year existence.
Buku Dasar-Dasar Negara Malaysia - Jilid 2
The Buku Dasar-Dasar Negara Malaysia-Jilid 2 (Book of Malaysian National Policies, Volume Two) was published in mid-2021 by INTAN’s Cluster for Public Policy and Governance Studies, INTAN Bukit Kiara. This book is a continuation of the Buku Dasar-Dasar Negara Malaysia-Jilid 1 which was published in 2019 and contains 14 main Government policies. The policies are organized according to five main sectors, namely: economic; security; infrastructure, health and education; rural, federal territories, and local government; as well as science and technology. The publication of the Book of Malaysian National Policies, Volume 2 is one approach in disseminating policies implemented by the Government and acts as a medium of sharing information to members of the public to bridge the gap between them and the Government.
*Available in Malay only
Legasi Kepimpinan Datuk Seri Borhan Bin Dolah, KPPA Ke-23
The leadership legacy of Datuk Seri Borhan bin Dolah, the 23rd Director-General of the Public Service is a result of ideas, efforts, cooperation, and the determination of individuals from all walks of life to create a narrative and trace the life’s journey of a highly dedicated officer with strong leadership skills that are widely recognized. Additionally, this publication records the myriad of experiences and achievements of YBhg. Datuk Seri Borhan bin Dolah throughout his 35 years in the public service.
*Available in Malay only
Koleksi Teks Ucapan KPPA Datuk Seri Borhan Bin Dolah
This published speech collection, i.e. Koleksi Teks Ucapan of the Director-General of the Public Service, YBhg. Datuk Seri Borhan bin Dolah is aimed at collating his speeches throughout his tenure as the 23rd Director-General of Public Service from July 2018 until September 2019.
*Available in Malay only
Strategic Leaders - Shaping the Future
Book Review: Strategic Leaders- Shaping the Future collates a selection of book reviews by participants of the Advanced Leadership and Management Programme (ALMP) 2015. The given reviews provide readers with glimpses of the leadership and management aspects. Through this publication, INTAN hopes to play a significant role in its efforts to nurture leadership and quality management, particularly, amongst public servants.
Menelusuri Tujuh Prakarsa Utama Dasar Transformasi
The book titled Menelusuri Tujuh Prakarsa Utama Dasar Transformasi is presented as reading material on the implementation of economic, administrative, social, and digital transformation initiatives under the National Transformation Agenda which can serve as a quick source of reference for various parties.
*Available in Malay only
Kepimpinan Transformatif: Menerokai Trajektori Baharu
This publication titled Kepimpinan Transformatif: Menerokai Trajektori Baharu (Transformative Leadership: Exploring a New Trajectory) is a collection of eight (8) scholarly works by INTAN’s Senior Research Fellows which discusses the area of leadership encompassing the models, theories, styles, branding, and application - across a broad spectrum and dimensions, particularly in the public service. This publication also offers a new perspective to civil servants in understanding and deepening the approach, application, and adaptation of transformative leadership models towards the enhancement of public service delivery.
*Available in Malay only
Panduan Tadbir Urus Akaun Amanah Sektor Awam: Dengan Rujukan Kepada Tadbir Urus Akaun Amanah, Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN)
This publication is a guideline that explains the provisions, procedures as well as management of the Trust Account of INTAN based on sources such as Financial Procedure Act 1957 and financial circular 1 Pekeliling Perbendaharaan (1PP) issued by the Ministry of Finance. The guideline is published to benefit civil servants, particularly, those who are directly involved in managing and administering trust accounts in public sector organisations.
*Available in Malay only
Semerah Darah Seputih Tulang: Patriotisme Merentas Kehidupan
Penned by Dr. Alauddin bin Sidal, a former Senior Research Fellow of INTAN, this book titled Semerah Darah Seputih Tulang: Patriotisme Merentas Kehidupan is about patriotism. Inspiration from this book translates to a spirit of patriotism that should begin with a sense of togetherness such as respect and mutual acceptance. In this regard, lifelong education, inculcation, practices, and appreciation of patriotism must be nurtured and empowered. Meanwhile, efforts in developing a sense of patriotism should be the responsibility of all parties across every segment and institution of life.
*Available in Malay only